It's been awhile... I've been away from the blogworld for a month or two now... usually Buck wakes up from his nap as soon as I sit down to type, so we'll see how this post goes...
Things are happening around here, though, and I don't have pictures of all of it, so here is a brief summary of the last month or so:
-Buck is now crawling and eating! He is into everything, like a good baby should be! He has the bumps on his head to prove it.
He had his first taste of bacon this morning and I'm happy to say that he loved it and whined until we gave him more. Just like mama!
He's big enough now to use his little potty-- as you can see!
-The chicks from my September post are now all grown up and in with the older chickens. Phoenix's feet continue to look healthy.
One of the hens has turned out to be a rooster, and he is beautiful. I'll try to post a picture of "Red Cloud's Revenge" soon. (Red Cloud was our first rooster, who was killed in the Great Chicken Massacre of Ought-Six)
-My dear bunny, Castro, died unexpectedly two weeks ago. We buried him under the butterfly bush and beside his friend, Mr. Rextopher Bun, who died last winter about this same time. So now we are bunniless. :(

-The day after Castro died, one of the Ameraucanas got out of the pen and was attacked by Honey and Murdock. We thought for sure she was a goner, but she's still kicking, two weeks later. Her right leg was badly broken and she had major wounds on her back end. We managed to keep infection at bay with twice-daily cleanings and application of triple antibiotic ointment. We borrowed the ointment from our neighbor, and it's a good thing we did, because her mom happened to be over and when she heard about our injured chicken, she immediately volunteered to help. She is an experienced chicken doctor, which is just what we needed! Her hugest contribution was helping to set and splint the leg. I was the most nervous about that!
Mendy (as we have named her) seems to be doing great. Today is two weeks since the accident and I think we may remove the splint today.
Meanwhile, she has been living in the recently vacated rabbit hutch inside.
-My sister and her kids came down for a short visit. We had a great time and even managed to get in a trip to the Carnivore Preservation Trust to see all the servals, ocelots, binterongs, caracals, and of course, TIGERS!! Ben and Stacey were able to come over for the "field trip" too.
This is one of their younger tigers, Rajah. He and his sister were found in the middle of a busy road, where their owner had dumped them. (I didn't take this one, I found it on the internet. But it is Rajah. The other pics aren't of the CPT animals, just random pics from the web.)
This one is a serval

Here's the ocelot- beautiful, but they smell like a big ol' litterbox full of pee...
And the caracal, which are really neat and remind me the most of housecats.

It was really cool. I'd like to go to one of the twilight tours, which is when they feed them, and they're much more active. The one thing that I learned from the tour is that is is 100% legal to own tigers and other exotic cats in NC. So, now all we need is a tiger pen...
-Window Wizard has a new ad coming out next month in the Southern Neighbor (a local, monthly publication distributed through Chapel Hill neighborhoods), a it stars all of us and Mac, Adam's right-hand man. It's a pretty good picture, don't you think?
-We have a new addition to our chicken family. Lucy (or is it Loosey?) was hanging around loose in our neighbors' yard. They don't know where she escaped from, but after a couple days, they corralled her into their garage and then Adam and my bro went and got her. She gets along with the other chickens so far. As far as I can tell, she is an Old English Game hen. She's got the long, tall body and tail of a Game chicken. She doesn't look exactly like the Game hens we had growing up, but she looks just like the ones I've found pics of on the internet. She's pretty. These aren't her, but she looks like something between the two: