I've tried over the last couple years to have some summer color added to the yard-- in addition to the spring bloomers (daffodils, tulips, phlox, irises, and a host of annuals), I've finally got some plants that bloom in the heat! Very important around here. It's been dry, dry, dry, after so much rain at the beginning of June, but with a few exceptions that I've been babying, most of my perennials are thriving.

Here's the purple coneflower in the front bed-- is it just me or are everyone else's coneflowers more purple? Mine seem awfully pale. But awfully pretty, too! And the blooms last forever!

My first attempt at roses. I got two bushes. The tea rose has a lovely yellow flower, but I only got a few little blooms and they weren't that great and didn't last long and they're all done now. Either the bush isn't very hardy (surprise-- roses are susceptible to all sorts of ailments...bugs, blights, etc.) or I've got it in too much shade. I've got a place to move it in the fall that gets more sun, so we'll see. But, the climbing rose I got is doing very well after a late start. This is the "America" variety, according to the package it's a very hardy little bush and also disease resistant. I think that I've seen several of these along fences and mailboxes around here. I think it's just beautiful, and it smells very sweet!
And it even has a new bud!

Here's a few shots of the fishpond Adam and Andy built over the winter. It's doing really well. Our 12 cent goldfish are flourishing (and getting HUGE) and eating all the mosquito larvae, and the plants are doing well and cleaning and oxygenating the water. Balance. You can see several goldfish on the right side of the pond, gathered near the rocks.

The water hyacinth also bloomed-- and it was beautiful-- but it only lasted a day and no more have bloomed yet.

I've seen bigger butterfly bushes, for sure, but our little one is plugging along. It's getting a bit past it's prime as far as blooming goes, but it's still chugging along. The hummingbirds love this thing!
The story behind this butterfly bush is pretty cool... as we were moving into our Big Woods Cabin from our Little House on Alaska Lane, I was lamenting the absence of a butterfly bush at our new house. Our place there had a big old butterfly bush that I loved, but it had white blossoms, and as you all know, I prefer purple. So I had decided that I was going to have to go find a purple butterfly bush for the new house. This was before we had "settled" the yard-- when we moved in, everything was a mess, and nothing was growing except weeds and grapevine, there were saplings encroaching all around the house and there was trash everywhere. We'd lived at the old place almost 2 years and had done a lot of work in the yard and had really spiffed it up. It took about three trips to transport all the plants I dug up and took with us-- and I left quite a few, too...
But anyway, I was out doing something with the dog fence-- taking down the electric fence wire, I think, and was sweating and getting bitten by mosquitos and covered in dirt as I worked, generally just pissed off, and I happened to look up and -- what do you know -- there was a little purple butterfly bush about a foot and a half tall. Right there along the fence line. I'd never noticed it before, indeed, it was as if it had been put there a'purpose just for me to find that day.
So quick as you like, I dug it up, potted it, brought it here, planted it, and there it is. It also serves as the memorial tree to two bunnies, a tiny kitten and a zebra finch that are buried around its base (no, I haven't been able to kick my pet cemetery habit).
This is very similar to the butterfly bush, and the butterflies and hummingbirds love it, too. I think I am remembering its name is hyssop.

And here are the real show-stoppers... the lilies! My little yellow day lily is all bloomed out, but there are some new lilies in the flowerbed this summer...
This one is the Nosferatu Lily that Grant and Joie gave me for my birthday. The picture on the i.d. tag looked a little darker, almost black. Mine is more purplish-red, but I love it just the same!! (I'm pretty sure this will be Mina's favorite, too...)

And here's my "rescue" lilies. Found these two in landscaping pots under our old neighbors' deck. I said to myself, I said, "Now that looks like a lily. And if it's not a lily, it's something." And so we planted them right in the front beds and just look! Around here, we don't buy plants, we just find them...

Here's the other one, a beautiful, pure white lily...

And here is the original Lily, still recovering from her TPLO surgery (but that's another post...)

Buck is quite the gardener. He really enjoys my garden urn, I use it to make both "Sun Water" and "Moon Water." Ask me about it. I have had to take it out of the beds, though, otherwise he tramples everything trying to get to it!

I have tried to encourage him to smell the flowers, not pick them...

The old-fashioned yellow day lily is done blooming for this year, but it's seeds are just getting started...

Yesterday Buck was very interested in these little seed pods. We emptied out a couple and planted them in two different spots. We'll see if anything comes up!

One of my favorites is the lovely oxalis. It shares a family tree with the shamrock. I have four of these planted around the yard, all from a plant I grew up with, that my mom got from my dad's grandmother... I sent a couple small plants back up to the hill in VA to my sister and niece, and they're doing great up there, so it's come full circle. This is a really neat plant. It has these tubers that it puts out, you can divide them up easily and it grows great, stands the winters, and blooms all the time. They are a little stressed with the heat, but it's not stopping the blooming! Usually the leaves are much fuller and they look like a big green ball.

My daisies are actually looking better lately. The flowers seemed too scrawny to me, but lately they are filling out a bit. These came from Adam's mom, and were planted by Dad and Angela last year right after Buck was born.

Can you find the boy?

But we all must agree, the brightest, most beautiful bloom in the whole garden is that pretty little blue-eyed boy!

Beautiful blooms! And you're right, the most beautiful is the one in red ;)
ReplyDeleteIt makes me really happy just to know that there's a Nosferatu lily. Someday I'll live in a real house (as opposed to a crummy apartment) and I'll add some to my own garden.
ReplyDeleteI'm planning on growing mostly catnip, but I'm sure I can make some room.
Love your gardening posts! And please tell me about moon water and sun water. You have my curiosity aroused.