After a full 24 hours of food poisoning (as best as we can tell), Adam has fully recovered and is back to his old self. He's been reading to Buck out of the beautifully illustrated James Herriot's Treasury of Inspirational Stories for Children. It's got all the classics-- Only One Woof, The Christmas Day Kitten, and many more, as well as what's being read in the picture, Moses the Kitten, one of Adam's favorites since it features a black kitten. Buck will usually sit through almost a whole story. He also likes Eric Carle's books (The Very Hungry Caterpillar, "Slowly Slowly, Slowly," Said the Sloth, et al). The pictures in those are quite fascinating to him. I checked out a ton from the library. I would also have to add Goodnight Moon to the list, as he frequently sings to it whenever you read it to him.
I've got my day all planned out:
-wash all the bedclothes
-wash diapers
-clean bathroom (again)
Not a very long list but it will probably take all day, adding in my Buck time-- nursing, pooping/peeing/changing, napping, entertaining, etc., as well as kitchen cleaning and food preparation throughout the day I think Adam's still a little puny, so he'll probably stick around the house and can help with Buck. Also, if I get a second, I will probably stick my nose in the fourth Harry Potter book, Goblet of Fire, as I have been devouring that series once again. I started on Sunday with The Sorcerer's Stone and have blazed through the first three in about as many days.
Tip: you can read while nursing.
Yay for Goodnight Moon. Yay for Dad and Mom reading to Buck!