Alright. You know how some packs of flower seeds say "attracts birds and butterflies"? Well here's proof that the folks at Burpee (or wherever I happened to buy these seeds) don't lie. This is the goldfinch that has been enjoying the cones on my purple coneflower (aka Echinacea). I took these through the screen door, so sorry if they're not the sharpest. Isn't he the prettiest little thing you've ever seen?
I've been feeling a little bad because Mr. Finch has been hanging around the four birdfeeders in our yard, plucking out blackoil sunflower seeds and tossing them to the ground as if to say, "Gimme something to work with already!!" We keep babbling to each other (in this, as in many cases, "we" refers to Adam and I. It also sometimes refers to Buck and I, and at other times refers to Lily and I, or some other animal and I), "we need to get a finch feeder," "I know, we really need to get one of those finch feeders," "yeah we need to get some finch food for the finch," "yeah we need to feed the finch." By next summer, what with Christmas and two birthdays, I'm sure we would have a nice, shiny, plastic finch feeder strategically placed within view of the porch and front window, but you can imagine my immense satisfaction with the current situation. I mean, awesome.
Besides the convenience and aesthetic of it, imagine what the Echinacea is doing for little Goldy's immune system!! He's got something right here that he can't get from any old "finch feeder." He's got nature. Nature that I nurtured. Nurturing that I'm a natural for. Natural... oh, okay.
I've lost the point.
I guess the point is, how cool is that?
Besides, the coneflowers are looking their age at this time of year, not exactly the fresh blossoms they were a few months ago, so having a pretty yellow bird landing on them all the time really brings out the best in them.
I haven't been able to capture the hummingbirds that have been, well, humming around. But maybe I'll try. Maybe I'll become a backyard wildlife photographer and just have a blog centered entirely around tufted titmice (titmouses?) and grey squirrels and white-breasted nuthatches and oh, yeah!! did you know I saw an indigo bunting this year?? No kidding, it was my first one, showed up right after Buck was born...
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